Monday, November 15, 2010

Milena Velba With Izabel

seek to complement the initiatives of water use efficiency to meet future new sources of supply déficitEncontrar guide research on water

seek to complement the initiatives of water efficiency to address future deficits

Finding new sources of supply guide research on water

Karen Rivers
The uptake of water in the atmosphere as a mist; desalination of sea water and reuse of this resource, are some of the lines being developed in the country in search of new sources of supply or the efficient use of water.
Climate change and variability of rainfall patterns in different parts of the country require Chile to increase its capacity innovative to ensure that this opportunity will also serve to improve the competitiveness of productive sectors such as mining and agribusiness, are and will be major consumers of this water resource.
According to a study by the National Water Directorate (DGA), which dates from 2008, the demand from these sectors (adding to the forest, water and industry too) is of 896 m3 / s in 25 years, ie, water consumption would register an increase of 32.5%. "innovation, especially technological permananente is an action that should guide research to regional and local governments to implement policies and regulations to ensure sustainability of water resources for future generations, "said Jorge Olavarria, director of the newly opened Center for Research and Development in Water Resources (Ciderh) in the Atacama.
investigations that seek to highlight not only the large scale, because even small amounts of "new" water are not negligible, according to experts. According
Cerda, a professor at the Catholic University of Valparaiso and expert in hydraulic engineering, there are already success stories of rainwater catchment in each home, from roofs, for home consumption (called "rainwater harvesting").

Another interesting option, says this scholar, is the reuse of water for uses other than direct human consumption, such as irrigation of public gardens or washing cars.

"A comparison of investment and operating costs between fresh water reuse can be the basis for negotiation between a healthcare organization which provides drinking water to the city and other agricultural needs water for irrigation, which can be treated" says. extreme shortage
The northern part of Chile is the one that summons much of the research, following acute water scarcity and high demand performing

mining. "Innovation plays an important role there in the entire water cycle: in addition to the generation of new sources, is also in the technologies for recycling, decontamination, storage and transportation," says Marcela Angulo, environmental manager , Energy and Chemical Metrology of Fundación Chile.

Under this scenario, the institution has just announced the AcquaAtacama project that will develop with the French group Vinci, which intends to install a flexible underwater megatubería with which transport fresh water from the central-south to supply the north of the country. The projection is that they start to materialize in five years.

innovation applied in this case, they say, allow the water to reach half the price and a tenth of the carbon footprint than records obtained by desalination.

Other investigations are being implemented in specialized centers, such as Ciderh (which is supported by CONYCIT) and the Technology Research Center for Water in the Desert (Ceitzasa), with contributions exceeding $ 1,500 million.
The priority in these establishments is to discover and designing new technologies, and help the efficient management of this resource, also for building and improving desalination, or even on those who propose secondary wastewater treatment for use in mining.

Human Capital

To ensure the generation of innovative projects in the fields of water, experts say should be strengthened professionals with advanced knowledge in geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, and hydrochemistry, as they are the human capital for this task.

The mission is encouraged to develop an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit allowing them to generate research projects on this subject once they enter a particular branch of research and acquire new skills.

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Rodrigo González Fernández
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