Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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DESALINATION: Mina Chilean water use

Chilean Mine used to desalinate sea water without


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Of that amount, spending on infrastructure associated with the use of sea water corresponded to 20%, or U.S. $ 460 million, which offered a much higher return than if you had an option for desalination. Hope used industrially in raw saltwater paying $ 1.20 for the transport of each cubic meter, while desalinated water is used, paid $ 2.20 for desalination and energy for transportation.
After an investment of U.S. $ 460 million, a pipeline of 145 kilometers long, began carrying 630 liters of water sea \u200b\u200bby the second, from the Chilean region of Michilla to Esperanza mine, for their production processes. The project in which exploiting copper, gold and silver, will be the first large scale without using seawater desalination, and will have a processing capacity of 98,000 tonnes per day. Since
at 2,200 meters above sea level will the water freshwater is scarce, the pipeline will "sea water for production processes of a huge mining district screening at one of the driest deserts in the world," said Christian Thiele, CEO of Esperanza.
mine only fresh water used in the final stages of its processes and 630 liters per second to be pumped from the sea, only 5% will be desalted and added to fresh water already available to the mine for consumption human, to wash the concentrate loading dock and the cooling system of the mill. The total estimated project cost was initially $ 1,900 million but, with the aim of allowing expansion of mining operations, the drive system of seawater was expanded to a capacity of 1,200 liters per second, which is why the total cost of the investment rose to U.S. $ 2,300 million.
Hope, which was begun in mid 2008, will begin operations within the next few weeks and commercial production is scheduled to start in April 2011. In its first 10 years the mine will have a processing capacity of 98,000 tonnes per day, allowing you to produce about 700,000 tons of concentrates containing 191,000 tonnes of copper, 215,000 ounces of gold as the main product and 1.56 million ounces of silver.
The use of seawater in the Esperanza mine will generate a positive impact on the environment, because it prevents access to fresh water sources in the area, which should be directed primarily consumer human or agriculture.
MPA - Business News Americas Source: Spread this article freely SEE, THINK, WRITE. Greetings
Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN

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CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile

Apply for our training courses and consultancy LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - RENEWABLE ENERGY, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Friday, November 19, 2010

Swollen Black Fingertips

marine desalination, desalination and desert are the future of Chile.

Minister Hernán de Solminihac visited city of Ashkelon plant: MOP reviews
Israeli desalination model


private operator receives a fixed payment for each meter of the Treasury cubic meter of water produced by the State and then transfer it and sell in different parts of the country.

In the city of Ashkelon, Israel, Minister of Public Works, Hernán de Solminihac, reviewed how the desalination plant operates IDE Technologies, which supplies 15% of drinking water consumed in this nation. This as part of a series of activities conducted, during a tour with Digital Country Foundation, for more background to this technology and its implementation more intensive study in northern Chile, where water resources are insufficient to cover human consumption and production demand, especially in the mining sector and its future investments.
De Solminihac said the Israeli model relative to the Ashkelon desalination plant is based on a design contract, construction, operation and transfer of the plant, which was contracted to private for a period of 25 years. At the same time, the Treasury pays the company a fixed price of $ 0.53 per cubic meter during that time and, in parallel, the State is responsible for the transfer and sale of products to the different areas of the country.
Minister during 2011 is expected to have a definition of how to improve water supply in areas of greatest shortage in our country. "We will study the alternatives and see if this is the best economical solution to increase water availability in the north," he said. state subsidies that would involve the implementation of new desalination plants would be the issue that most worries the local authorities, business sources commented that seek to promote this technology. With

tour the facility in Ashkelon, De Solminihac talks with Israeli Infrastructure Minister, Uzi Landau, who addressed the issue of desalination, construction of hospitals and sewage treatment, which in 90% are reused, mainly in irrigation work.

60% of drinking water consumed in Antofagasta is desalinated. 2013 100% of that city would be covered by plants
Aguas Antofagasta. Four

desalination plants, at least
driving companies to Atacama.
Source: Spread this article freely SEE, THINK, WRITE. Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN







CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consultancy LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - RENEWABLE ENERGY, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Monday, November 15, 2010

Milena Velba With Izabel

seek to complement the initiatives of water use efficiency to meet future new sources of supply déficitEncontrar guide research on water

seek to complement the initiatives of water efficiency to address future deficits

Finding new sources of supply guide research on water

Karen Rivers
The uptake of water in the atmosphere as a mist; desalination of sea water and reuse of this resource, are some of the lines being developed in the country in search of new sources of supply or the efficient use of water.
Climate change and variability of rainfall patterns in different parts of the country require Chile to increase its capacity innovative to ensure that this opportunity will also serve to improve the competitiveness of productive sectors such as mining and agribusiness, are and will be major consumers of this water resource.
According to a study by the National Water Directorate (DGA), which dates from 2008, the demand from these sectors (adding to the forest, water and industry too) is of 896 m3 / s in 25 years, ie, water consumption would register an increase of 32.5%. "innovation, especially technological permananente is an action that should guide research to regional and local governments to implement policies and regulations to ensure sustainability of water resources for future generations, "said Jorge Olavarria, director of the newly opened Center for Research and Development in Water Resources (Ciderh) in the Atacama.
investigations that seek to highlight not only the large scale, because even small amounts of "new" water are not negligible, according to experts. According
Cerda, a professor at the Catholic University of Valparaiso and expert in hydraulic engineering, there are already success stories of rainwater catchment in each home, from roofs, for home consumption (called "rainwater harvesting").

Another interesting option, says this scholar, is the reuse of water for uses other than direct human consumption, such as irrigation of public gardens or washing cars.

"A comparison of investment and operating costs between fresh water reuse can be the basis for negotiation between a healthcare organization which provides drinking water to the city and other agricultural needs water for irrigation, which can be treated" says. extreme shortage
The northern part of Chile is the one that summons much of the research, following acute water scarcity and high demand performing

mining. "Innovation plays an important role there in the entire water cycle: in addition to the generation of new sources, is also in the technologies for recycling, decontamination, storage and transportation," says Marcela Angulo, environmental manager , Energy and Chemical Metrology of Fundación Chile.

Under this scenario, the institution has just announced the AcquaAtacama project that will develop with the French group Vinci, which intends to install a flexible underwater megatubería with which transport fresh water from the central-south to supply the north of the country. The projection is that they start to materialize in five years.

innovation applied in this case, they say, allow the water to reach half the price and a tenth of the carbon footprint than records obtained by desalination.

Other investigations are being implemented in specialized centers, such as Ciderh (which is supported by CONYCIT) and the Technology Research Center for Water in the Desert (Ceitzasa), with contributions exceeding $ 1,500 million.
The priority in these establishments is to discover and designing new technologies, and help the efficient management of this resource, also for building and improving desalination, or even on those who propose secondary wastewater treatment for use in mining.

Human Capital

To ensure the generation of innovative projects in the fields of water, experts say should be strengthened professionals with advanced knowledge in geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, and hydrochemistry, as they are the human capital for this task.

The mission is encouraged to develop an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit allowing them to generate research projects on this subject once they enter a particular branch of research and acquire new skills.

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Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN


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CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Chile Attention!, Desalinate seawater with solar energy as possible

is incredible that in the north have potable water deficit, in circumstances that we have two resources to alleviate the shortfall: a vast sea and the area of \u200b\u200bhighest solar radiation in the world. This proof of denials. There are those who say is that technology is very expensive. There may still be, but if you look at it from a dynamic perspective will come to the conclusion that each may be even less. And there are examples that we should know.

One of the major problems at the global

is terrible and huge number of people without access to water

drinking, talking about more than two billion cases. And according to the global trend, the more people, more droughts are predicting that this phenomenon will increase.

face this crucial problem, researchers aim to plug this gap through the
sea water desalination using renewable energies

process of desalination of seawater
consume high amounts of energy required for reverse osmosis. So far we have seen several cases in which through

, generating electricity

used in water purification. From Erenovable have already provided coverage to some of them like Algodonal (Ecuador) ,

Tunisia and Morocco

or the

Cambodia. Another

system has been developed by U.S. company Aeolus

based on the wind to water purification. The process we have idea is to produce mechanical energy through wind energy, pumping water from source. Salt water is transported through a series of filters, among which includes a reverse osmosis membrane. Once completed the process has been obtained drinking water from salt water. Hope will be enacted soon and really get to places in need of such solutions. If you are interested in working with this issue we invite you to the campaigns of the NGOs Wate r Charity, dedicated to providing drinking water to communities without access to this vital resource. Taken E-renewable. TweetBacks not yet. ( Be the first to Tweet this post ) Source: http://www.chilerenovables.cl/2010/11/09/% C2% A1-attention-chiledesalinizar-water-de-Mar-con- energy-solar-and-is-possible / Spread

freely this article ASK, THINK, WRITE. Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN www.consultajuridica.blogspot.com politico.blogspot www.el-observatory . com www.lobbyingchile.blogspot.com

www.calentamientoglobalchile.blogspot.com www.respsoem.blogspot.com CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile Apply for our training courses and consultancy LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - RENEWABLE ENERGY, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Monday, November 8, 2010

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ENERGY NUCLEAR: Experiences, needs and perspectives on the

NUCLEAR DESALINATION experiences, needs and perspectives on the DESALINATION .. .
is used to produce energy, desalinate seawater and ..... desalination of seawater by reverse osmosis ...
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Rodrigo González Fernández
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www.el-observatory politico.blogspot.com

CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile

Apply for our training courses and consultancy LEADERSHIP - MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - RENEWABLE ENERGY, advisory level nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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DESALINATION desalinate desalination with wind energy

wind power to desalinate water

With over two billion people without access to safe drinking water, researchers around the world try to find solutions such as desalination.

Although desalinated water is an energy intensive process that requires reverse osmosis, many designers have devised systems that achieved by using renewable energy

to first generate electricity and then use this to purify the water.

But the company system Aeolus U.S. is different because it uses the wind

not to produce electricity, but to produce mechanical power from the wind. This mechanical energy pumps water from its original source and passed through a series of filters including a reverse osmosis membrane to produce drinking water.

Source: Spread this article
freely SEE, THINK, WRITE. Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
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Apply our training courses and consultancy LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - RENEWABLE ENERGY, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monica Rossaforte Pictur

DESALINATION: MIT presents the portable water desalination with solar energy water desalination

01 November 2010

presents the portable water desalination with solar energy

A team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has designed a water desalination system new solar energy to provide drinking water to disaster areas and disadvantaged regions of the planet. The desalination system can be easily be carried in suitcases for delivery in emergency areas and is completely powered by solar energy, making it able to function in arid and remote regions of the world. systems desalination often require large amounts of energy and a great infrastructure to support them, but this compact system of MIT is able to work due to its ingenious design. The photovoltaic panel system is capable of generating power for the pump, which in turn pushes the undrinkable sea water through a permeable membrane. Once the salt and other minerals are extracted, then the water is drinkable. The system even has sensors that allow the purification of water, even without high levels of sunlight.
Source: Spread this article freely SEE, THINK, WRITE. Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN


CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile