Friday, December 17, 2010
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dams are reversible commitment to the future of the Ministries of Environment and Industry to increase the generation of electricity without environmental costs and offset the consumption of many desalination plants being built on the Mediterranean coast. When plants are completed the program WATER (alternative to the Ebro transfer), the desalination capacity in Spain will reach the 1,000 cubic hectometres. At current price, is a power consumption of 2,868 gigawatt hours. (It is assumed that each cubic meter of desalinated water consumes 2.86 kilowatts / hour).
Secretary General for Territory and Biodiversity Antonio Serrano, has invited representatives of the electricity sector to meet its potential in generating renewable energy, shuffling ways to boost the sector and combine these new energy demands with a commitment to reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere according to a draft European directive sets a decrease of 20% and a decrease, also of 20% in primary energy consumption. And everyone agrees that you can no longer build large dams in Spain because it raises a great social rejection and the best sites are occupied.
Environment and Industry have two possible solutions to increase hydroelectric resources. One of them is to put in operation by open competition state dams suitable for this purpose. Have so far been identified 50, but among them would not reach 200 megawatts of power, so this option is unlikely to succeed.
more weight option is the type of reversible Dams were launched with the plan for nuclear power plants in the early seventies and were designed to pump water in reverse, drawing excessive production of nuclear energy during the night as they operate continuously.
power companies (led by Iberdrola, Endesa and Union Fenosa) built rafts upstream of major dams to pump water at night and pass through the turbines at peak hours during the day. This type of dam has a potential of over 3,000 megawatts, as communicated by the Power of the Environment and Industry. The economic performance of these plants is high, the rate differential between night (40 euros a megawatt / hour on average) and day (90 euros on average).
profitable, more sustainable and energy is cheaper.
In times of strong demand turbine ponds where water is stored during the night, instead of pulling fuel power plants, which is more polluting and its price is increasingly high. They are the only procedure that exists to store energy. They are always available to meet demand pulls in winter or summer, so it would come to the aid of the electrical system every time the wind and fall to wind farms, and would not need to shut down certain businesses, as in last December.
For Environment is a solution "less bad" and have an effect "positive but a negative energy balance," said Serrano. For power "they have come to see God and the first thing they have asked is that you make the procedures as currently takes six years to obtain a license. All large utilities surveyed were in favor of the idea, all they have in their portfolio some running, and all have projects in various stages of implementation. The Ministry of Environment has promised to expedite the processing of licenses.
So far the information published in 'El Pais'. But nobody seems to have stopped to ponder what it might mean. The Central Reversible highest in Spain and true marvel of engineering - "Cortez the Muela'-located in the Valencia region, has a maximum height of 500 meters, but usually not exceeding 200 meters of altitude.
Each cubic meter of water used in power generation to 200 meters provides a balance of about 0.50 kilowatt-hour, taking into account the performance loss of pumps and turbines. So to get the 2.85 kilowatt-hours that are required for desalinate a cubic meter of seawater, it is necessary to keep captive in "Closed Loop" a minimum of six cubic meters of fresh water.
as intended hectometres desalinate 1,000 a year, we have to hold nearly 6,000 annual freshwater hectometres. To this must be added the evaporation and seepage losses (5%) because that water is stored in outdoor ponds.
and increase € 0.32 M3, which are the chemical costs, replacement of membranes, filtration, personnel, maintenance, etc. ... Requiring desalination. words, in a country dying of thirst, the city will detract six cubic meters of free water back to a cubic meter of desalinated water to 0.32 €.
But as the price difference between day and night time is 0.50 € utilities receive a profit of € 1,434,000,000 of annual uros simply recycle those 2,868 gigawatt hours. not surprising to recognize that "God has them to see" in the form of ministerial staff.
The July 2, 2006 published in the Diario 'El Mundo', and the February 3, 2008 in the Journal 'La Vanguardia', two large report in showing that, based on a 1996 patent and studies conducted by the Ministry of Industry and Environment, if they joined a Reversible Reservoir and a desalination plant Pressure Natural, is balancing the power curve is obtained significant economic benefits and huge quantities of water desalarían virtually free of energy consumption additional brine or send back to the sea.
logical The only change required was the fact substitute a fresh water that we lack and that is criminal to keep captive to the Power of a leftover sea water around us. It should be remembered that the pumps and turbines used in desalination of sea water is also used, which means that the corrosion problem has been resolved.
The only argument made by some technical opposed to the system is: what if electricity rates change?
now evident that the Ministries of Environment and Industry does not intend to change those rates, but rather on the contrary "urgings" to be used more intensively.
questions thus remain the same: What interests impede the adoption of a system designed by two ministries and that everyone who wants it can have free access and who benefits from the fact that water continues While still a vital but increasingly scarce and expensive?
Published with permission of the author
Alberto Vazquez Figueroa Vazquez-Figueroa.aspx
Posted by Bruno Abreu Juan Alvarez
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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Chilean Mine used to desalinate sea water without
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| The use of seawater in the Esperanza mine will generate a positive impact on the environment, because it prevents access to fresh water sources in the area, which should be directed primarily consumer human or agriculture. MPA - Business News Americas Source: Spread this article freely SEE, THINK, WRITE. Greetings Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN |
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Friday, November 19, 2010
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Minister Hernán de Solminihac visited city of Ashkelon plant: MOP reviews
private operator receives a fixed payment for each meter of the Treasury cubic meter of water produced by the State and then transfer it and sell in different parts of the country.
In the city of Ashkelon, Israel, Minister of Public Works, Hernán de Solminihac, reviewed how the desalination plant operates IDE Technologies, which supplies 15% of drinking water consumed in this nation. This as part of a series of activities conducted, during a tour with Digital Country Foundation, for more background to this technology and its implementation more intensive study in northern Chile, where water resources are insufficient to cover human consumption and production demand, especially in the mining sector and its future investments.
De Solminihac said the Israeli model relative to the Ashkelon desalination plant is based on a design contract, construction, operation and transfer of the plant, which was contracted to private for a period of 25 years. At the same time, the Treasury pays the company a fixed price of $ 0.53 per cubic meter during that time and, in parallel, the State is responsible for the transfer and sale of products to the different areas of the country.
Minister during 2011 is expected to have a definition of how to improve water supply in areas of greatest shortage in our country. "We will study the alternatives and see if this is the best economical solution to increase water availability in the north," he said. state subsidies that would involve the implementation of new desalination plants would be the issue that most worries the local authorities, business sources commented that seek to promote this technology. With
tour the facility in Ashkelon, De Solminihac talks with Israeli Infrastructure Minister, Uzi Landau, who addressed the issue of desalination, construction of hospitals and sewage treatment, which in 90% are reused, mainly in irrigation work.
60% of drinking water consumed in Antofagasta
Aguas Antofagasta. Four
desalination plants, at least driving companies to Atacama. Source: Spread this article freely SEE, THINK, WRITE. Greetings
Rodrigo González Fernández Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
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Monday, November 15, 2010
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seek to complement the initiatives of water efficiency to address future deficits
Finding new sources of supply guide research on water
Karen Rivers
The uptake of water in the atmosphere as a mist; desalination of sea water and reuse of this resource, are some of the lines being developed in the country in search of new sources of supply or the efficient use of water.
Climate change and variability of rainfall patterns in different parts of the country require Chile to increase its capacity innovative to ensure that this opportunity will also serve to improve the competitiveness of productive sectors such as mining and agribusiness, are and will be major consumers of this water resource.
According to a study by the National Water Directorate (DGA), which dates from 2008, the demand from these sectors (adding to the forest, water and industry too) is of 896 m3 / s in 25 years, ie, water consumption would register an increase of 32.5%. "innovation, especially technological permananente is an action that should guide research to regional and local governments to implement policies and regulations to ensure sustainability of water resources for future generations, "said Jorge Olavarria, director of the newly opened Center for Research and Development in Water Resources (Ciderh) in the Atacama.
investigations that seek to highlight not only the large scale, because even small amounts of "new" water are not negligible, according to experts. According
Cerda, a professor at the Catholic University of Valparaiso and expert in hydraulic engineering, there are already success stories of rainwater catchment in each home, from roofs, for home consumption (called "rainwater harvesting").
Another interesting option, says this scholar, is the reuse of water for uses other than direct human consumption, such as irrigation of public gardens or washing cars.
"A comparison of investment and operating costs between fresh water reuse can be the basis for negotiation between a healthcare organization which provides drinking water to the city and other agricultural needs water for irrigation, which can be treated" says.
The northern part of Chile is the one that summons much of the research, following acute water scarcity and high demand performing
mining. "Innovation plays an important role there in the entire water cycle: in addition to the generation of new sources, is also in the technologies for recycling, decontamination, storage and transportation," says Marcela Angulo, environmental manager , Energy and Chemical Metrology of Fundación Chile.
Under this scenario, the institution has just announced the AcquaAtacama project that will develop with the French group Vinci, which intends to install a flexible underwater megatubería with which transport fresh water from the central-south to supply the north of the country. The projection is that they start to materialize in five years.innovation applied in this case, they say, allow the water to reach half the price and a tenth of the carbon footprint than records obtained by desalination.
Other investigations are being implemented in specialized centers, such as Ciderh (which is supported by CONYCIT) and the Technology Research Center for Water in the Desert (Ceitzasa), with contributions exceeding $ 1,500 million.The priority in these establishments is to discover and designing new technologies, and help the efficient management of this resource, also for building and improving desalination, or even on those who propose secondary wastewater treatment for use in mining.
Human Capital
To ensure the generation of innovative projects in the fields of water, experts say should be strengthened professionals with advanced knowledge in geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, and hydrochemistry, as they are the human capital for this task.
The mission is encouraged to develop an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit allowing them to generate research projects on this subject once they enter a particular branch of research and acquire new skills.
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Rodrigo González Fernández
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Apply for our training courses and consultancy LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - RENEWABLE ENERGY, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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is incredible that in the north have potable water deficit, in circumstances that we have two resources to alleviate the shortfall: a vast sea and the area of \u200b\u200bhighest solar radiation in the world. This proof of denials. There are those who say is that technology is very expensive. There may still be, but if you look at it from a dynamic perspective will come to the conclusion that each may be even less. And there are examples that we should know.
One of the major problems at the global
is terrible and huge number of people without access to water
drinking, talking about more than two billion cases. And according to the global trend, the more people, more droughts are predicting that this phenomenon will increase.
face this crucial problem, researchers aim to plug this gap through the
sea water desalination using renewable energies
process of desalination of seawater
consume high amounts of energy required for reverse osmosis. So far we have seen several cases in which through
, generating electricity
used in water purification. From Erenovable have already provided coverage to some of them like Algodonal (Ecuador) ,
Tunisia and Morocco
or the
Cambodia. Anothersystem has been developed by U.S. company Aeolus
based on the wind to water purification. The process we have idea is to produce mechanical energy through wind energy, pumping water from source. Salt water is transported through a series of filters, among which includes a reverse osmosis membrane. Once completed the process has been obtained drinking water from salt water. Hope will be enacted soon and really get to places in need of such solutions. If you are interested in working with this issue we invite you to the campaigns of the NGOs Wate r Charity, dedicated to providing drinking water to communities without access to this vital resource. Taken E-renewable. TweetBacks not yet. ( Be the first to Tweet this post ) Source: C2% A1-attention-chiledesalinizar-water-de-Mar-con- energy-solar-and-is-possible / Spread
freely this article ASK, THINK, WRITE. Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN politico.blogspot www.el-observatory . com CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile Apply for our training courses and consultancy LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - RENEWABLE ENERGY, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile
Monday, November 8, 2010
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Rodrigo González Fernández
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CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile
Apply for our training courses and consultancy LEADERSHIP - MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - RENEWABLE ENERGY, advisory level nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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wind power to desalinate water
With over two billion people without access to safe drinking water, researchers around the world try to find solutions such as desalination.
Although desalinated water is an energy intensive process that requires reverse osmosis, many designers have devised systems that achieved by using renewable energy
to first generate electricity and then use this to purify the water.
But the company system Aeolus U.S. is different because it uses the wind
not to produce electricity, but to produce mechanical power from the wind. This mechanical energy pumps water from its original source and passed through a series of filters including a reverse osmosis membrane to produce drinking water.
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CEL: 93934521
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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01 November 2010
presents the portable water desalination with solar energy
A team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has designed a water desalination system new solar energy to provide drinking water to disaster areas and disadvantaged regions of the planet. The desalination system can be easily be carried in suitcases for delivery in emergency areas and is completely powered by solar energy, making it able to function in arid and remote regions of the world. systems desalination often require large amounts of energy and a great infrastructure to support them, but this compact system of MIT is able to work due to its ingenious design. The photovoltaic panel system is capable of generating power for the pump, which in turn pushes the undrinkable sea water through a permeable membrane. Once the salt and other minerals are extracted, then the water is drinkable. The system even has sensors that allow the purification of water, even without high levels of sunlight.
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Rodrigo González Fernández
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CEL: 93934521 Santiago-ChileThursday, October 28, 2010
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Water desalination Water desalination
Water is an essential element for life and for the development of productive activities so that man is always in search of new sources to obtain it. One such source is sea water or brackish water. In this report we describe in Semi-simple the process of obtaining desalinated water.
What is desalination?
As its name suggests, the desalination process is nothing more than separate salts mineral water and some salt (like sea water) or brackish water (including groundwater) in order to get drinking water or usable for other purposes. Performed to obtain different physical and chemical processes, as discussed below. desalination methods
There are a variety of methods with varying degrees of complexity, from simple, such as using solar energy and accelerates the natural water cycle (from liquid to gas and vice versa), to methods more technology such as those using hydrates, separating membranes, ion exchange or distillation proponents. However, the method you use depends on the amount of solids dissolved containing water to be treated. Thus, the main methods of desalination include electrodialysis, reverse osmosis and distillation.
Here in more detail the following methods: a.
As its name implies, this process makes use of electricity to separate water and salts. The treatment is to deploy a tank with permeable membranes and 2 electrodes on the ends, one positively charged and one negatively charged. Allow the water to flow through the tank while electricity1 is passed, which enabled the salts present in the water and they will be attracted by an electrode according to their characteristics. In this way is pure water which is collected for later use and may be used as a coolant in thermal power plants or industrial and municipal applications. B.
RO is a relatively simple process in which water is separated from the salts through a membrane that acts as a filter. Once the salt water has been previously cleaned, passed through a set of tanks, which are provided with an inner membrane that acts as a very fine filter that only allows the passage of water but not salts present in sea water .
To make this possible, as shown in the accompanying graph, pressure is applied to the area where salt water is located, which passes through the membrane, separates the water from the salts are accumulated over the membrane. Today, the reverse osmosis process is the most widely used worldwide. Process
Total dissolved solids (mg / l) Electrodialysis 500-3000
distillation process used for waters with high salinity levels and content of other elements. In terms Overall, the distillation process involves subjecting the salt water at high temperatures in order to evaporate the water which is condensed into pure water, as a residue of salts, thereby replicating the natural water cycle. Thus, the salt water goes through several tanks, whose number can vary, each of them having less pressure - and thus also a lower boiling point - which precedes it, in order to obtain pure water.Other methods
addition to the aforementioned methods, we have the ionization, freezing and hydrate formation, solar distillation, among others, which have been tested in laboratories but their high cost prevents its widespread use.
Finally, in all cases presented the resulting water must follow some additional processes to suit the different uses to which it is allocated.
Desalination in Peru
An example of the use of desalination plants in Peru occurs in mining. Compania Minera Milpo, in its Cerro Lindo mining unit located in Chincha, has invested in building a water desalination plant to obtain water for their operations and for use in camp mining. In this case, it was possible to use this option as its proximity to the sea made it possible. Thus, the plant collects water from the sea (beach Jaguar) and subjected to the process of desalination by reverse osmosis method, described above. Fresh water obtained is sent through 60 km of pipes to the concentrator and the camp of the company for use in processes of extraction activities and the consumption of workers. Final notes
Today in the world, it is estimated that approximately 1% of the water consumed worldwide comes from desalination processes, a trend that will surely increase in time as technological advances continue to reduce the cost of these processes.
Recall that approximately 97% of water on our planet is at sea, making desalination increasingly it will be an alternative for fresh water. Source: Spread
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Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility UN
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Apply for our training courses and consultancy LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - RENEWABLE ENERGY, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile
Friday, October 22, 2010
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so does a desalination
At this very moment over desalination and desalination 15,000 worldwide work
transforming salty ocean water into drinking water . In this multimedia special
teach you how to work within. Elena Sanz
04/12/2008 Tags: desalination
, water
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When a shipwreck
, one of the main problems is dehydration in the lifeboats for those who manage to flee in time. With this lifeboat, lack of potable water
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Sunday, April 25, 2010
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