Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tay Sachs Disease Cool Facts


I take the liberty to copy verbatim the entry Closing Cycles always advisable in Resseny blog. I believe it contains the principle that we are looking for: "This is used whole"

theory = food waste (waste = resource) argues that all products and by-products of a manufacturing process must be raw material for another process. People like McDonough & Braungart, authors of "biblical" Cradle to Cradle book or Gunter Pauli, founder of the project ZERI, we speak of establishing closed systems, whether natural or industrial, ie that are organic or inorganic waste, in turn, a resource. An example: Zeri, an international network of professionals involved in environmental excellence industries, has launched a project paradigm in Colombian coffee plantations. Given that coffee growers tend to only take 3.7% of coffee plant, has tried to exploit the rest. Thus, when they are harvested coffee pods, the remaining organic matter is used to cultivate shiitake, the remains of these precious fungi (which degrade the caffeine) serve as food for worms, cattle and pigs. The fact that is not given directly feed the cattle the remains of the coffee is of vital importance, because, due to caffeine, the cattle could cause stress. The worms are eaten by the chickens, the manure of cattle and pigs-biogas energy produced in digesters, and compost, useful to fertilize the coffee and the surrounding gardens. Thus, as in nature, the cycle closes, optimizing resources. And that rule is satisfied that the best way to reduce waste is not creating .


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