Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Data Center Computer Room Difference

See if given the hint

When I saw this shirt in TreeHugger, I was very clear: every time our government does not what to do about climate change is dooming us !
to see if they give the hint at once!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Burnin G Sensation Clavicle

Playing caps "22 blocks" Four barrels of oil

" 22 blocks is a set of J. Carlos Perez sea for two simple and entertaining. Is to be the first to get 11 red apples and green apples without going over 11. In turns each player uses the collector to move through a garden consisting of 4 trees with five red paws, paws 4 with three red, 2 with two mornings, 2 with a red apple and the same distribution for green apples. A total of 24 trees with the information about the collector make a 5x5 board randomly distributed. The only rule is that the collector can only pick apples from a tree that is in the same row or same column, occupying the position of that tree to the next shift. Have I explained?
I yesterday I made me one with caps of milk and juice (I had 25 caps equal) and with a red and green markers used to indicate the number of apples from each tree. The plug that was unlabeled served as a collector. It's that simple and that gave me a very long time.

tub of margarine is perfect for storing the "chips." A good example of recycling and family fun, now we're on vacation.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How Long After Drinking Can I Take Xanax

for a life here takes advantage

People of The Oil Drum are dedicated, among other things, to calculate how much oil would eat into our lives by the energy equivalence between what we eat and the raw. The result is striking: the calories we consume in the form of food to live 45 years equivalent, energy, four barrels of oil .
Two brief conclusions:

1 - or our system of food-energy conversion does not seem very efficient or the foods we eat contain too little "energy." They will have to be that way for life to exist.
2 - These numbers make me think that the machines we build are less efficient yet. If humans are 45 years 4 barrel, why consume both cars, microwave, washing machine ...?

Finally, I recommend reading the original article by the results he produces. Seen

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tay Sachs Disease Cool Facts


I take the liberty to copy verbatim the entry Closing Cycles always advisable in Resseny blog. I believe it contains the principle that we are looking for: "This is used whole"

theory = food waste (waste = resource) argues that all products and by-products of a manufacturing process must be raw material for another process. People like McDonough & Braungart, authors of "biblical" Cradle to Cradle book or Gunter Pauli, founder of the project ZERI, we speak of establishing closed systems, whether natural or industrial, ie that are organic or inorganic waste, in turn, a resource. An example: Zeri, an international network of professionals involved in environmental excellence industries, has launched a project paradigm in Colombian coffee plantations. Given that coffee growers tend to only take 3.7% of coffee plant, has tried to exploit the rest. Thus, when they are harvested coffee pods, the remaining organic matter is used to cultivate shiitake, the remains of these precious fungi (which degrade the caffeine) serve as food for worms, cattle and pigs. The fact that is not given directly feed the cattle the remains of the coffee is of vital importance, because, due to caffeine, the cattle could cause stress. The worms are eaten by the chickens, the manure of cattle and pigs-biogas energy produced in digesters, and compost, useful to fertilize the coffee and the surrounding gardens. Thus, as in nature, the cycle closes, optimizing resources. And that rule is satisfied that the best way to reduce waste is not creating .

Monday, July 21, 2008

How To Knw Whether My New Born Jave Fkem

The boot-bird nest

What do you think of this idea? It seems that the birds are happy to live in old boots!

Greatgreengoods Seen through The world of recycling.