Friday, November 7, 2008

Acrostic Poems On Islam

Google ...

... or how to save energy in your computer (Black Google can save 750 hours a year Megawatt (English) ).

Thanks to Mr. Mahou sent me this link .

Updated 11/08/1908. The comments
Versvs warns of half-truth of this measure. Blackle use on CRT monitors itself that results in energy savings (Although on average is less than 15 Watts you touted by Google). As for LCD monitors (which have almost all) the savings is minimal for more than 22 inches for less than 22, consumption is equal to or greater. So, if you really want to save energy with LCD monitors as pudes get reducing screen brightness . It has been shown to lower it from 100% to 70% means an average saving of 10Watts.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Fake Ppsh For Sale Toy

The energy your body generates Special

Battery human cadavers (Soylent Green)
[...] Your body is a delicate machine capable of generating about 11,000 watt hours of energy only for can move and keep your body temperature. [...] Suppose you go for a walk in the park. This simple activity can make your body produce the energy needed to generate about 163 watts of electricity .
just by walking. Even when your body is at rest
, for example when you sleep, is capable of producing over 80 watts of electricity

Is There Such Thing As Non Alcoholic Bubbly?

European Commission on Energy

Special edition – April 2008 Apologies for having the blog will be left for another time. Now as you recall input informed the European Commission in its publication "EU Research " dedicated a special the subject of Energy and the options to remove our dependence on oil (April 2008). Sincerely, highly recommended for anyone to be interested in the subject, particularly interview with Vandana Shiva (environmentalist and anti-globalization), Claude Mandil (ex-director of the International Energy Agency) and Achim Steiner (now executive director Environment Programme United Nations). This special, like all others who have posted can be downloaded from the homepage (only English, German and French).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Do People Get Sick When Infected With Hiv

Arctic Methane

Permafrost, Noyabrsk
Two small paragraphs in the news " Millions of tons of methane will surface in the Arctic " (please, read the news):

i) Methane now accounts for between 4 to 9% of greenhouse , well below the effect of CO2 (from 9 to 26%). However, its ability to absorb heat is about 25 times higher than that of CO2, so its lower contribution to global warming is because there is less of it in the air (while counting some 75 times more CO2 than methane). Conclusion: escaping tons of methane were buried in frozen ground is not going to help improve the situation of climate change.

ii) This was known in recent years (Nature 443, 71-75, 2006: Methane bubbling from Siberian thaw lakes as a positive feedback to climate warming )

From here a greeting to my Jiminy Cricket . ;-)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fetal Heart Beat 120 At 34 Weeks

Republicans and the environment

this weekend asking the singers to Cold Play what was the main problem in the world and their response was clear: the Republicans in the U.S.. Today I found this entry in TreeHugger explaining why. It turns out that Sarah Palin , the newly elected Vice President by the Republicans, it is clear that the first is the economy, who falls. Thus, the future leaders of the world's most powerful country does not believe that climate change due to human action, intends to draw the polar bear from the list of protected species, supports opening the Arctic Animal Reserve for oil and inspections seems to be opposed to any environmental action in your state (Alaska). There has fought back to hunt beluga, has opposed the protection of salmon affected by extensive mining, has opposed restrictions on hunting of wolves and bears from the air and pay $ 150 for each dead wolf delivered to authorities. It only seems concerned with extracting oil, natural gas, gold, zinc and other natural resources to improve the economy and the preservation of jobs.
now understand the components of Cold Play.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Poem For Baby Shower Money Tree

Recycling and Kamikatsu

And as no two without three, I have the last post of the linking post Resseny and Fiesta de Gracia 2008: a wonderful example of community recycling for large parties. The beginning of the entry appears below. The photographs in author page.

Resseny: Fiestas de Gracia 2008
Fiestas de Gracia 2008

The neighborhood parties Gracia is a spectacular showcase the creativity of its citizens. Every year the streets are decorated with different motifs, always using inexpensive materials and easy to find. And what site, but are more easily affordable materials ready to be transformed with enthusiasm and desire to have fun? Indeed, born garbage most of these works produced throughout the year by the residents, both young and old, in their efforts to make recycling a weapon collective creative and media integration.
Thus, egg cups, bottles, cans, bottles, cups, polystyrene packaging and extra tape become the stage and ornaments which cause the admiration of visitors who come to this district of Barcelona between 15 and 21 August.

How To Calculate Measurement Of Micrometer

Fiestas de Gracia, an exemplary city

This news had it recorded on my shared green news since the Green Blog was published in late August. Today, I have again included some input, I want to highlight its value and as an example for other cities that want to feel sustainable.
I leave you with a copy of the original .

Kamikatsu, a Japanese people who want to eliminate all waste
A small town in the middle of mountains of Shikoku island wants to become a benchmark in global recycling. According to the Zero Waste Project, the region aims to eliminate all waste by 2020. Kamikatsu

Without doubt, this is a difficult project implementation in large cities. But anyway, nothing detracts from the achievements of the inhabitants of Kamikatsu.

seven years ago, a trash incinerator that was installed in 1998 could not meet the levels of dioxin control. That was when the mayor decided to close the incinerator and promote the draft. As explained

The Country The locals began in 2002 to make their own organic waste into fertilizer and spread the remaining waste in 44 categories. This task, which each resident does in her home, managed to replace the use of garbage trucks and containers. Instead, they installed a single delivery center, the Zero Waste Academy, where people must take their trash.

To achieve this, the municipality of Kamikatsu had to educate its 2,000 residents about recycling: how to separate the container labels and how to properly drain the fluid contaminating the engine of a car were some of the concepts taught. As an incentive, residents received lottery tickets and gift vouchers food.

Each household has a unit, mostly funded by the state, which allows for recycling of organic waste and turn it into compost, which is reused in many people's gardens.

worth noting that those who can not take their waste to the Academy have the help of Kamikatsu Recycle volunteers who removed trash at home.

the past four years, Kamikatsu could reduce waste by burning removed 50% and increased recycled waste to 90%. A villager, Keiko Akiyama, says: "At first I thought it was a cumbersome method, but is now part of my routine. Knowing that the waste generated is reused properly motivates me to comply with the guidelines of classification. "

Today kids to use and shooting is asked in his blog: Why not a English Kamikatsu?

Calories Pop Secret Homestyle


Thanks to slap on the wrist of Mr. Mahou as a subject has put me on a plate, we take up the posts about sustainability in this blog who was abandoned. Today I present the initiative Ecoogler . In the words of its creators:

Ecoogler What?

Ecoogler is a search engine that uses Yahoo technology and helps reforesting the Amazon preserve natural resources and freshwater ecosystems and plant threat. Using Ecoogler get the same results, and helps the charity Aquaverde (NGOs) and Canary Foundation for Reforestation (Forest) .

How it works

every search in Ecoogler contributes symbolically to reforest a leaf. for every 10,000 searches / leaves, Ecoogler donates money to that plant a tree in the Amazon . addition to working through donations, and No planting and care of 1200 trees over a year in the Canary Islands.

It's not easy to get to plant a tree (10000 leaves many) but we can help.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How Does The Cervix Feel Two Days Before Period


Essential to understand the impasse that has brought us the excessive consumption system in which we live. Worth every second of his 21 minutes.

annotated script in English, here.
Official Website:
(Seen in Urban Ecosystem )
Thanks, Miguel Ángel.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pain Inouter Side Of Calf

things web comics and to encourage children to protect the environment green roofs

is not new news but interesting.

web page Eco-Agents (Eco Agents) of the European Environment Agency invites children ages 9 to 14 years of age to become 'eco agents' secrets through comics. In each story, is entrusted to five stars originating in the Netherlands, Finland, Poland, Turkey and Greece a mission special, such as infiltrating a 'wind farm' in the Netherlands is actually the lid of a facility for the extraction of natural gas. Once you create a profile of personal identification, the new players interact with the characters standing. Each mission includes games in which children earn points based on an overall score.

There is a section for teachers and the website itself offers plenty of links. Undoubtedly one page to investigate.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Riccar Vacuums Ottawa

Through Neatorama 've come to the photographs of jwilly (user Flickr) of some roofs / attics of New York City. Although the photographer sees them as a display of people with money (in some cases no doubt) I see it as an environmental action. Resumiento, come and see how it applies the concept of green roof on a city.

nyc-travails-5121 by jwilly.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wallpaper Naval Charts

A Mancala with an egg carton

I have recently abandoned this blog but I guess the summer is an especially lazy. The proof? Then watch the Mancala I've ridden with an egg carton of 12 eggs and ornamental stones. He who has kids and wants to entertain a while this time is no recourse a carton of eggs and some beans, beans ... I sure appreciate it. I leave you with the description (from Wikipedia) of the most popular version of Mancala, Oware the :

Home: The players take their positions along the long edges of the board. Each player owns all the row on his side (6 holes) and the shell is on your right. To start the game loaded the six holes on each field with seeds, 4 seeds per hole. Are thus located the 48 seeds.

Movements: The player begins choose any hole in your field and increase in hand all the seeds deposited there. The leads then counterclockwise planting them one by one in each hole on the course. The opponent plays after similarly. Players continue to move and turn.

may be that a heavily loaded hole containing 12 or more seeds, thus sowing will give more than one full turn to the board. The player who comes from such a hole, letting it should skip it empty. Ie the hole from which it comes, must be empty after sowing.

Screenshots: When last seed sown falls into a hole of the opponent, there completing a load of 2 or 3 seeds, the player movement did catch these 2 or 3 seeds and stored in your tank. If the previous hole to the newly captured
contain 2 or 3 seeds, these seeds are also captured. This allows you to capture a succession of several holes, which is interrupted by a hole that has more than 3 or less than 2 seeds. But in any case, note that only capture the opponent's court.

Special Situations:

  • A player can not completely empty the opponent's court. You should try to play from another hole. But it may happen that on any hole, I always capture all the opponent's court, in which case the play is not effected and the game ends here. Each player will add to your deposit the seeds in your field.
  • When a player's move, he remains with his field completely empty, the opponent is obliged, if possible, to plant something on them. If not possible, the game is ended and the player with seeds still in the pits of their own, add them to your deposit.
  • When only a few seeds that can travel without the possibility of catch for any of the players, the game ends and each contestant added to your deposit the seeds in your field.
Winner: As described above, The game ends when no more captures can be made or if a player is not likely to move. Then include the contents of the deposits and has the most wins.

can also terminate the game if a player exceeds the amount of 24 seeds in your tank.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Data Center Computer Room Difference

See if given the hint

When I saw this shirt in TreeHugger, I was very clear: every time our government does not what to do about climate change is dooming us !
to see if they give the hint at once!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Burnin G Sensation Clavicle

Playing caps "22 blocks" Four barrels of oil

" 22 blocks is a set of J. Carlos Perez sea for two simple and entertaining. Is to be the first to get 11 red apples and green apples without going over 11. In turns each player uses the collector to move through a garden consisting of 4 trees with five red paws, paws 4 with three red, 2 with two mornings, 2 with a red apple and the same distribution for green apples. A total of 24 trees with the information about the collector make a 5x5 board randomly distributed. The only rule is that the collector can only pick apples from a tree that is in the same row or same column, occupying the position of that tree to the next shift. Have I explained?
I yesterday I made me one with caps of milk and juice (I had 25 caps equal) and with a red and green markers used to indicate the number of apples from each tree. The plug that was unlabeled served as a collector. It's that simple and that gave me a very long time.

tub of margarine is perfect for storing the "chips." A good example of recycling and family fun, now we're on vacation.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How Long After Drinking Can I Take Xanax

for a life here takes advantage

People of The Oil Drum are dedicated, among other things, to calculate how much oil would eat into our lives by the energy equivalence between what we eat and the raw. The result is striking: the calories we consume in the form of food to live 45 years equivalent, energy, four barrels of oil .
Two brief conclusions:

1 - or our system of food-energy conversion does not seem very efficient or the foods we eat contain too little "energy." They will have to be that way for life to exist.
2 - These numbers make me think that the machines we build are less efficient yet. If humans are 45 years 4 barrel, why consume both cars, microwave, washing machine ...?

Finally, I recommend reading the original article by the results he produces. Seen

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tay Sachs Disease Cool Facts


I take the liberty to copy verbatim the entry Closing Cycles always advisable in Resseny blog. I believe it contains the principle that we are looking for: "This is used whole"

theory = food waste (waste = resource) argues that all products and by-products of a manufacturing process must be raw material for another process. People like McDonough & Braungart, authors of "biblical" Cradle to Cradle book or Gunter Pauli, founder of the project ZERI, we speak of establishing closed systems, whether natural or industrial, ie that are organic or inorganic waste, in turn, a resource. An example: Zeri, an international network of professionals involved in environmental excellence industries, has launched a project paradigm in Colombian coffee plantations. Given that coffee growers tend to only take 3.7% of coffee plant, has tried to exploit the rest. Thus, when they are harvested coffee pods, the remaining organic matter is used to cultivate shiitake, the remains of these precious fungi (which degrade the caffeine) serve as food for worms, cattle and pigs. The fact that is not given directly feed the cattle the remains of the coffee is of vital importance, because, due to caffeine, the cattle could cause stress. The worms are eaten by the chickens, the manure of cattle and pigs-biogas energy produced in digesters, and compost, useful to fertilize the coffee and the surrounding gardens. Thus, as in nature, the cycle closes, optimizing resources. And that rule is satisfied that the best way to reduce waste is not creating .

Monday, July 21, 2008

How To Knw Whether My New Born Jave Fkem

The boot-bird nest

What do you think of this idea? It seems that the birds are happy to live in old boots!

Greatgreengoods Seen through The world of recycling.