Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Newest Kates Playground Vid

and Tues vuelos28 2011By jose123pp

By jose123pp

aboard the Kon-Tiki
, a weak ship that traveled from Peru to the Polynesian islands in 1947.

de plastiki y vuelos De Plastiki y vuelos more »

Category: Destinations

Tourism Marketing, Tourism
Tags: landing, plane , stewardess, steward , composting toilet, self-sustaining ship , solar cells, Rothschild, , expedition, iberia , kon-tiki , passengers, , reduced environmental impact, water, navigation systems , , Fuente : http://www.joselicata.com/tag/sistema-de-desalinizacion-de-agua/


Saludos Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" de la ONU
Diplomado en "Gestión del Conocimiento" de la ONU
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Recall Letter For Dental Patients

MINING - PERU Tia Maria project will use only the nose

Tia Maria project used only Desalinated seawater

Tia Maria mining project require the use of water to an average flow of 850



/ h, this will desalinate seawater. The total water used in the project will be desalinated seawater. No

be affected or use surface water or groundwater Valley Tambo.

uptake of seawater desalination plant will be located north

Mejia in an area near the beach of El Sombrero.

The desalination plant to be built, the sea water will be divided into two

streams. One of these currents is desalinated water, which is

salt has been removed and sent to Pampa Cachendo.

The other current lead salts of desalinated water withdrawals. This water more

salt is known as "brine" and will be returned to the sea.

The desalinated water will be pumped through a pipeline 30 km

from this facility on the beach, to Pampa Cachendo. In Pampa Cachendo

there will be a second stage of desalination to produce water suitable

for use in the processing plant and drinking water of


Pumping System

The water used in the production process is stored in a tank

10.000 m


capacity for subsequent pumping to Cachendo Pampa. The pumping system has two lift stations, the first will

located at sea level, near the desalination plant and the second, a

distance of 12 kilometers in the direction of Cachendo Pampa, from where the water

be re-driven 18 kilometers further to a storage pond

27.000 m


capacity Cachendo located in Pampa, at an altitude of 1.000 meters. From the pool of water in Pampa Cachendo be distributed water for

leaching, mining, desalination plants and Cachendo Pampa

for human consumption in the camp.

Source: Spread this article freely SEE, THINK, WRITE. Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN

Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN

www.el-observatory politico.blogspot.com

CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Frequency Of Free Hindi Channels

desalination will require an investment of U.S. $ 2,500 million desalination

the nose require an investment of U.S. $ 2,500 million

Dan approve the first draft minero en Chile de canadiense Goldcorp

Pese a producir 200 mil toneladas de cobre fino al año, su clave será el oro, con 60 mil onzas.

This was confirmed by the very owner of the mining project, which envisages a huge investment of U.S. $ 2,500 million, consisting of an operating open pit copper and gold ore. The field's reserves amount to 450 million tonnes of ore at a grade of 0.58% copper per tonne and 0.47% grams of gold per ton, the company explained.

particular, the annual copper production will reach 200 000 tonnes, and can speak of a world class deposit. But the firm anticipates key project that will be the gold as the year the tank will remove 60 000 ounces a year.

Project design

El Morro is the first major mining project in the country which includes the construction of a plant to supply desalinated seawater to their operations,
despite being at 4,000 feet, said in the company. This plant will be located in Punta Totoral and from there is pumped to the reservoir, about 200 miles distant.

In this sense, the CEO of Goldcorp in Chile, Horacio Bruna, said that this "is not to use water from the River Basin Huasco ", which is intended to benefit farming communities in their area. With the same purpose is that the project involves the construction of a proper way, through Quebrada Algarrobal.

But also consider a plans different technology for the treatment of tailings through the system "thickened tailings deposit," which, unlike traditional dams, allows containment in paste form, reducing the risk of leakage or spill, increasing your security. The Minera El Morro belongs to Goldcorp 70% and 30% for New Gold. Early last year New Gold acquired for $ 463 million the above majority stake to its first owner, Xstrata, and later sold to the Canadian $ 50 million, which creates conflicts with Barrick Gold, also interested in this business.

Source: chile.blogspot.com

www.mineria-free Spread this article
SEE, THINK, WRITE. Greetings
Rodrigo González Fernández Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN

Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN

www.el-observatory politico.blogspot.com

CEL: 93934521

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sims 3 Service Inicialization Failed

: To submit public information file grant DESALINATION

desalination for agricultural irrigation water

Undergoing public information file desalinated water irrigation concession Lorca
(Murcia) SCI-TECHNOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT NATURE and precariousness of desalinated sea water desalination plant to the Eagles-Guadalentín Irrigation Community Lorca. This term
interested parties may appear and present arguments to the file, which is granted by the desalinated water for irrigation redotación traditional and established irrigated areas, according to the Government Gazette published today in the region. The annual
requesting Lorca Irrigation Community hectometres is 23 years and the fate of water demand will be exclusively agricultural irrigation.
The Public Water Regulations set this period for public information of the records processing stage, without competition from projects to be a resource that can be considered infinite. Claims can be sent to the headquarters of the CHS and the file accessed in the Commissariat of Aguas.EFE 1010091
Spread this article
freely SEE, THINK, WRITE. Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández

Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN

Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN

Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN


www.el-observatory politico.blogspot.com



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CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile Apply for our training courses and consultancy PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, advising national and international and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile