Thursday, October 28, 2010

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Water desalination Water desalination

Water is an essential element for life and for the development of productive activities so that man is always in search of new sources to obtain it. One such source is sea water or brackish water. In this report we describe in Semi-simple the process of obtaining desalinated water.

What is desalination?

As its name suggests, the desalination process is nothing more than separate salts mineral water and some salt (like sea water) or brackish water (including groundwater) in order to get drinking water or usable for other purposes. Performed to obtain different physical and chemical processes, as discussed below. desalination methods
There are a variety of methods with varying degrees of complexity, from simple, such as using solar energy and accelerates the natural water cycle (from liquid to gas and vice versa), to methods more technology such as those using hydrates, separating membranes, ion exchange or distillation proponents. However, the method you use depends on the amount of solids dissolved containing water to be treated. Thus, the main methods of desalination include electrodialysis, reverse osmosis and distillation.
Here in more detail the following methods: a.
As its name implies, this process makes use of electricity to separate water and salts. The treatment is to deploy a tank with permeable membranes and 2 electrodes on the ends, one positively charged and one negatively charged. Allow the water to flow through the tank while electricity1 is passed, which enabled the salts present in the water and they will be attracted by an electrode according to their characteristics. In this way is pure water which is collected for later use and may be used as a coolant in thermal power plants or industrial and municipal applications. B.

RO is a relatively simple process in which water is separated from the salts through a membrane that acts as a filter. Once the salt water has been previously cleaned, passed through a set of tanks, which are provided with an inner membrane that acts as a very fine filter that only allows the passage of water but not salts present in sea water .
To make this possible, as shown in the accompanying graph, pressure is applied to the area where salt water is located, which passes through the membrane, separates the water from the salts are accumulated over the membrane. Today, the reverse osmosis process is the most widely used worldwide. Process
Total dissolved solids (mg / l)

Electrodialysis 500-3000
reverse osmosis (membrane standard) 500-5000
Reverse osmosis (with high resistance membranes) Distillation
+5,000 +30,000


distillation process used for waters with high salinity levels and content of other elements. In terms Overall, the distillation process involves subjecting the salt water at high temperatures in order to evaporate the water which is condensed into pure water, as a residue of salts, thereby replicating the natural water cycle. Thus, the salt water goes through several tanks, whose number can vary, each of them having less pressure - and thus also a lower boiling point - which precedes it, in order to obtain pure water.
There are 2 ways to carry out this process: • multistage distillation, in which salt water is heated in each of the tanks. Because it can be used in small scale.
• Distillation multiple, in which the heat generated by the initial warming heats the next tank and so on. This method allows the desalination of large quantities of water (the process of greater capacity).
Distillation is one of the methods used in the Middle East. Note that the thermal process that involves these methods generates a high energy consumption. However, it is worth mentioning that the possibility of using heat (gas) emitted by the boilers, engines, turbines, among others, to heat water. D.
Other methods
addition to the aforementioned methods, we have the ionization, freezing and hydrate formation, solar distillation, among others, which have been tested in laboratories but their high cost prevents its widespread use.
Finally, in all cases presented the resulting water must follow some additional processes to suit the different uses to which it is allocated.
Desalination in Peru

An example of the use of desalination plants in Peru occurs in mining. Compania Minera Milpo, in its Cerro Lindo mining unit located in Chincha, has invested in building a water desalination plant to obtain water for their operations and for use in camp mining. In this case, it was possible to use this option as its proximity to the sea made it possible. Thus, the plant collects water from the sea (beach Jaguar) and subjected to the process of desalination by reverse osmosis method, described above. Fresh water obtained is sent through 60 km of pipes to the concentrator and the camp of the company for use in processes of extraction activities and the consumption of workers. Final notes

Today in the world, it is estimated that approximately 1% of the water consumed worldwide comes from desalination processes, a trend that will surely increase in time as technological advances continue to reduce the cost of these processes.
Recall that approximately 97% of water on our planet is at sea, making desalination increasingly it will be an alternative for fresh water. Source: Spread

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Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility UN
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CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile
Apply for our training courses and consultancy LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - RENEWABLE ENERGY, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Friday, October 22, 2010

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so does a desalination

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04/12/2008 Tags: desalination

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Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN Desaladoras: multimedia CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile
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