Friday, October 31, 2008

Fake Ppsh For Sale Toy

The energy your body generates Special

Battery human cadavers (Soylent Green)
[...] Your body is a delicate machine capable of generating about 11,000 watt hours of energy only for can move and keep your body temperature. [...] Suppose you go for a walk in the park. This simple activity can make your body produce the energy needed to generate about 163 watts of electricity .
just by walking. Even when your body is at rest
, for example when you sleep, is capable of producing over 80 watts of electricity

Is There Such Thing As Non Alcoholic Bubbly?

European Commission on Energy

Special edition – April 2008 Apologies for having the blog will be left for another time. Now as you recall input informed the European Commission in its publication "EU Research " dedicated a special the subject of Energy and the options to remove our dependence on oil (April 2008). Sincerely, highly recommended for anyone to be interested in the subject, particularly interview with Vandana Shiva (environmentalist and anti-globalization), Claude Mandil (ex-director of the International Energy Agency) and Achim Steiner (now executive director Environment Programme United Nations). This special, like all others who have posted can be downloaded from the homepage (only English, German and French).